About Me

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Hi! We are the McCann's. Our names are Ben & Anna. We are a loving family in Las Vegas, Nevada looking for an infant or young child to adopt. Baby makes 4! Our blog will outline the process we go through to finish our family through adoption. It's going to be honest. It's going to be hard. It's going to be obtrusive. We are publicly sharing our story because word of mouth has always been the most effective way to find a child that needs their forever family.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Chucktober: Day 29

Chucktober was a posting experience I originally did in 2012. I am reposting all of them as we sell my collection on eBay. This is for raising funds, adoption awareness, and support for strong families.

Chucktober Day 29: My pink chucks are covered in mud. They still have remnants of all the hard work Ben and I put into our Whittier house. They have been through dirt and paint and projects. My pink chucks sat at the back slider to slip on to go outside with the dog or pull some weeds. They were there when the air conditioner went out during record heat and I had to hose down the dog (and myself). They were there the first time my dog couldn't get up by herself after a nap in the yard. They were there when our dumb fluffy cat got caught in a bush across the ditch and needed rescue. These chucks sat by the door every time I went to the hospital and every moment I laid on the couch with my hands across my belly praying Buffalo would be born healthy and safe. I stared at them for months, always just hoping it would be better soon.

These shoes still sit by the back slider in this house. Then theyll sit at the next house. And the next house. I'll never knock off the dirt, the dog hair, or the memories. These shoes hurt me because they exist but I am no longer me without them

(P.S. I was right. Those are still covered in mud, sitting by the door).

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