About Me

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Hi! We are the McCann's. Our names are Ben & Anna. We are a loving family in Las Vegas, Nevada looking for an infant or young child to adopt. Baby makes 4! Our blog will outline the process we go through to finish our family through adoption. It's going to be honest. It's going to be hard. It's going to be obtrusive. We are publicly sharing our story because word of mouth has always been the most effective way to find a child that needs their forever family.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Chucktober: Day 3

(In October of 2012, I posted one pair of my Converse collection per day, and included memories associated with those shoes, if any. My Chuck collection is a part of my soul. We are selling my collection as part of our adoption fundraising. Our eBay seller ID is annamonsteranna. Thanks for reading our story and helping us finish our family.) 

Chucktober Day 3: I was a late bloomer. I made poor personal decisions and was inconsiderate of a lot of people. I never stepped on other people maliciously, I didn't realize that there were other options. I had managed to make it through life with very little consequence for bad decisions and it helped create an artificial feeling of invincibility. When I turned 26 I had a get my crap together crisis. I was miserable, I was hateful, and I had finally realized that everything that was wrong with my life was of my own making. I worked very hard at making better choices and becoming a real adult. I wanted to make mistakes and I wanted there to be consequences so I could finally learn how to be an adult. I decided that it was time to make changes and one of those changes was moving back to SoCal.

Things were rough around then. I had about $150 bucks to my name and a Great Dane to take care of. I was walking her in Belmont Shore trying to figure out what the hell I was going to do next, when I saw these in the window. My first thought was that they'd never be big enough for me, but that the blooming was nice for the time. I ducked my head in the door to ask how much since I had Tessa and not only were those pink girl chucks in my size, they were also $4. The next day I was offered a great job and things started to fall into place. So, in the end, all it took was $4 and the love of a dog for me to finally bloom.

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